Plans for March 30 – April 3, 2015

Monday:  Go over Graphing Test.  Bonus Problems

Tuesday:  Review solving right triangles.  Go over examples and do even problems #8 – 24 on Worksheet.

Wednesday:  Grade problems on solving right triangles.  Notes on application problems involving Angles of elevation and Depression.  (Printed notes) Begin problems on worksheet attached to notes.

Thursday:  Finish Angle of Elevation and Depression problems.

Friday:  Early Release Schedule to be Announced (Schedule to Follow)

Plans for March 16 – 20, 2015

Monday:  Notes on Tangent and Cotangent Graphs.  Do practice graphs for examples.  Practice worksheets on Graphing Tangent and Cotangent graphs and their transformations.

Tuesday:  Practice on Tangent and Cotangent function graphs including all transformations.

Wednesday:  Notes on Secant and Cosecant Graphs.  Do practice graphs for examples.  Practice worksheets on Graphing Secant and Cosecant graphs and their transformations.

Thursday: Practice on Tangent and Cotangent function graphs including all transformations.

Friday:  Quiz on 6 parent Trig Graphs.  Practice on All 6 Trig Functions and their transformations.